It’s Time to talk up water.

Recent Events
July 17, 2022
Leveraging Climate Adaptation (Water, Energy, & Food Nexus)
Climate change threatens water, energy, and food (WEF) separately as well as the intersection of all three. The WEF nexus is an integrated approach that recognizes that food security is water security is energy security. Panelists share their experiences and knowledge working along the WEF nexus, and discuss key levers for climate adaptation within the WEF nexus.
Mohannad Hesham Abouelrouse - Life From Water
Founder and Chairman
Chetan Mistryleads - Xylem South Africa
Strategy & Marketing
Dr. Corrine Cash - Mount Allison University
Assistant Professor, Planning and
Community Climate Adaptation
May 18, 2022
Dimensions of Water Partnerships and Localization
Localization is a buzzword in the global development sector dating back to the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, signing a “Grand Bargain” to center local actors in policy and programming. Panelists share their experiences in creating and working in partnerships between Global North and South actors, and explore what makes an effective partnership for localization in the water sector.
Kimberly Kupiecki - Dupont Water Solutions
Global Leader, Sustainability, Advocacy and Communications
Bongani Ncube - Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Water and Agricultural Scientist
Braulio Morera - 50L Home Coalition at World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
April 26, 2022
Changing What’s Possible for Urban Water Resilience
Envisioning a different future is key for bridging optimistic dreams with reality, including for improving water and climate resilience. Panelists discuss the state of water security in cities, identify areas for improvement and how to get there.
Rebecca Ilunga - C40 Cities
Adaption Network Manager
Zafar Adeel - Pacific Water Research Centre
Executive Director
Themba Gumbo - Cap-Net
February 15, 2021
Leading the Way for Water Security during COVID-19
As the first event of the W12+ Accelerator, “Breaking the Cycle: COVID-19 and Water Insecurity, panelists share perspectives of global leaders and changemakers on the big picture of water security and COVID-19, with a particular focus on future trends, predictions, and risks.
Dr. Zafar Adeel - Pacific Water Research Centre at Simon Fraser University
Executive Director
Dr. Fadi Comair - UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrology Programme
HP Nanda - DuPont Water Solutions
Global Vice President & General Manager
October 1, 2020
Mobilizing Private Finance for Urban Water Projects Globally
Setting the stage for follow-up conversations at the W12+ Drive-in on October 23, 2020, panelists identify several examples of relevant funding for cities, including debt conversion options and water funds, and explore the different roles and responsibilities of entities involved in water security.
HP Nanda - Dupont Water Solutions
Global Vice President and General Manager
Joe Vesey - Xylem
Senior Vice President and CMO
Nicola R. Saporiti - IFC
Senior Investment Officer
Catherine-Candice Koffman - Nedbank CIB
Head of Infrastructure, Telecommunications & Water
Sayef Tanzeem Qayyum - World Bank Group
Lead Coordinator, Bangladesh and
Vietnam Programs, 2030 Water Resources Group

October 23, 2020
Drive-in Livestream Replay
Representing the world’s first socially distanced business showcase, this event hosted in Cape Town drives in an innovative conferencing concept that offers serious global water discussions and live entertainment, from within the comfort of your car.
March 18, 2021
Driving Change for Water Security during COVID-19
As the second event of the W12+ Accelerator series, expert panelists representing multiple perspectives present possible solutions to identified risks in applying on-the-ground solutions to large-scale water and public health issues that have worked in some places and may be replicable in others. Scaling solutions, balancing replicability with locally relevant solutions, and policy and financing challenges in times of crisis are discussed.
April 22, 2021
W12+ Drive-in Drive-thru
During this online event, W12+ will provide updates on the Blueprint and our work with UNESCO, highlight important ongoing work around water security, and feature short conversations with our partners.

March 23, 2020
UWC Water Conference in Cape Town.
Highlighting W12+ Program’s work convening over 150 people for the conference “Cities Facing Escalating Water Shortages: Lessons Learned and Strategies Moving Forward” in Cape Town. The conference brought together leaders and experts to propose a framework aimed at long-term water solutions across the globe.